C.J. Bosson. ‘Understanding Cuâ‚‚ZnSnSâ‚„ as a Photovoltaic Absorber for the Future of Solar Electricity.’ PhD thesis, The University of Durham, Department of Physics (2017). DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.26188.05763.
C.J. Bosson, M.T. Birch, D.P. Halliday, C.C. Tang, A.K. Kleppe, & P.D. Hatton. ‘Polymorphism in Cuâ‚‚ZnSnSâ‚„ and New Off-Stoichiometric Crystal Structure Types.’ Chemistry of Materials 29 (22), p.9829 (2017). DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b04010.
C.J. Bosson, M.T. Birch, D.P. Halliday, C.C. Tang, & P.D. Hatton. ‘Using High-Resolution Anomalous-Scattering X-Ray Diffraction to Observe Off-Stoichiometric Cuâ‚‚ZnSnSâ‚„ Crystal Structures.’ Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (2017). DOI: 10.1109/pvsc.2017.8366136.
C.J. Bosson, M.T. Birch, D.P. Halliday, K.S. Knight, & P.D. Hatton. ‘Cation Disorder and Phase Transitions in the Structurally Complex Solar Cell Material Cuâ‚‚ZnSnSâ‚„.’ Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5, p.16672 (2017). DOI: 10.1039/c7ta03603e.
C.J. Bosson, M.T. Birch, D.P. Halliday, K.S. Knight, C.C. Tang, A.K. Kleppe, & P.D. Hatton. ‘Crystal Structure and Cation Disorder in Bulk Cuâ‚‚ZnSnSâ‚„ Using Neutron Diffraction and X-Ray Anomalous Scattering.’ Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, p.0405 (2016). DOI: 10.1109/pvsc.2016.7749621.